King Mohammed VI, Guinean Pres. Kick off Construction Works of New Mosque in Conakry
King Mohammed VI, Guinean Pres. Kick off Construction Works of New Mosque in Conakry
King Mohammed VI and President of Guinea Alpha Condé, kicked off on Friday the construction works of a new mosque in Conakry, named “Mohammed VI Mosque.”
The religious and cultural building, constructed over 4,040 m2, includes a prayer room that can sit over 3,000 people, a library, a conference room, an administrative pavilion, a house for imam (religious leader), parking lots and parks.
On this occasion, secretary general of religious affairs in Guinea Abdekrim Joubati gave a speech in which he extended his heartfelt thanks and deep gratitude for the King for the building of this great mosque and naming it after himself.
He also thanked the King for setting up the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema.
During his signing ceremony of eight bilateral coopreration agreements with King Mohammed VI on Thursday, Condé said  “The two visits paid HM the King to Guinea benefit the country.”
Condé, who is the current president of the AU, continued, “We strongly rely on Moroccan presence within the African Union to enhance the autonomy of the organization and to take control of African issues.”
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