Moroccan Sovereign king Mohammed VI said on Sunday that Africa “was and always will be a top priority for us.”
“Morocco’s commitment to and interest in Africa are by no means a coincidence; nor are they the result of transient considerations. They reflect a sense of loyalty to a shared history and illustrate our firm belief that ours is a common destiny,” the king said in a speech to the nation on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and People.
In 2017, Morocco has made significant steps to re-join pan-African organizations. It rejoined in February the African Union after 33 years of absence. In June, West African regional group Ecowas has in principle approved Morocco’s membership application.
King Mohammed VI underlined that Morocco’s African policy is based on a “thorough understanding” of African realities and aims at serving shared interests through solidarity-based, win-win partnerships.
“As far as Morocco is concerned, Africa is the future. And the future starts today,” the king said.